Monday 5 November 2012

Safety Update - Pigeon Poo

Yes, today we thought we'd take the tone right down and talk cr*p.

Pigeon droppings cause unsightly mess, damage to building materials and carry a range of difficult to spell diseases.

Five pigeon poo facts:
  1. Assuming a 5 year lifespan (for feral pigeons, lofted ones can live for 30) a typical pigeon produces approximately 37kg of poo in its life, that's quite a pile.
  2. Pigeon chicks (or Squabs as they are more correctly known) have to be taken to a wildlife rehabilitation centre - by law - if they are removed from their nest.
  3. The following diseases can be contracted from the droppings:
    1. Histoplasmosis,
    2. Cryptococcosis,
    3. Psittacosis
  4. A breeding pair of pigeons can lay and rear two eggs up to 8 times per year.
  5. Historically the droppings were prized as fertilizer, with guards being posted at the entrances to coops. In the 16th centuary Saltpeter for the manufacture of gunpowder was derived from it - topical link.
With all that stacked against you - literally in some cases - you may need some help.  Our contracts team are experienced in the removal of the droppings and the installation of control measures including spikes and netting.

Do you have a cr ppy job that needs dealing with? Info:
contact us 01270 589615

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